

  • 已有债务,每月还款较多,而报税收入较低,无法满足债务/收入比的要求的投资者
  • 投资者现有房屋贷款太多,超过房利美的上限,导致无法再申请普通查收入贷款


  1. 不需提供报税表、1099、W2、或者雇主工作证明
  2. 不查银行流水账
  3. 对于两个月内的大额存款,不需要解释资金来源
  4. 过户时间快(2~3 weeks)
  5. 在不查收入贷款或者半查收如贷款里面,利率并不算太高
  6. 首次购房者也可以贷款


  1. 需要计算每个月的预期租金/月供的比例,如果预期租金小于月供,利率会有较大的增长
  2. 较高的首付比例;贷款人信用分高于740的情况下,最低首付25%
  3. 如果是净值抵押贷款,最多只能取出房屋评估价值的70%
  4. 借款人经常需要接受3~5年还款保护期,已取得较优惠的利率;如果保护期内还款超过贷款额的20%,会有罚款


  • 如果是购房,信用分不低于660;如果是净值抵押,信用分不低于680
  • 信用报告上至少两个信用账户,每个不短于于12个月历史记录
  • 根据信用分的高低不同,需要提供至少25%的首付
  • 在付完首付和过户费用后,借款人的银行账号、投资账户或者退休账户内内还需要有至少3个月的月供

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Clutch And Car Transmission Services
Whether you drive a manual or an automatic transmission car, it’s important to keep your car’s transmission running smoothly. Automatic transmissions need regular servicing to ensure maximum performance, economy and service life.

The automatic transmission is one of the most sophisticated parts of your car. Our transmission servicing package includes tasks such as draining the transmission fluid, removing and cleaning the oil pan, inspecting fluid condition, full transmission flushes, and checking for leaks. Our mechanics are mobile. Not only do we have significantly lower overhead. Clutch repairs and transmission servicing should always be carried out by a professional.
Low Overhead Means Savings for you
Our mechanics are mobile. Not only do we have significantly lower overhead costs compared to the local shops, but as a national brand, we are able to negotiate better prices from the auto parts vendors.

Clutch Components: A clutch consists of a cover, a clutch plate, a flywheel, a pressure plate, a diaphragm spring. Automatic Transmission Components: Inside an automatic transmission, there is a complex assortment of parts in a fairly small space. Among other things there are a planetary lorem ipsum dolor sit ammet gear set, a set of locking bands, clutches, a hydraulic system. Whether you drive a manual or an automatic transmission:
Automatic Transmission Components: Inside an automatic transmission, there is a complex assortment of parts in a fairly small. Our mechanics are mobile. Not only do we have significantly lower overhead. Space among other things there are a planetary.
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